• Country: Luxembourg
  • Country: Lithuania
  • Name: Gerhard Kuntschik, President of the Jury Country: Austria Capital: Vienna Population: 9,097,759 Auto Park: 240.000 new registrations (2021)
  • Name: Xavier Daffe Country: Belgium Capital: Bruxelles Population: 11,239,755 Auto Park: 5,9 millions
  • Name: Ilia Seliktar, Honorary President of the Jury and Co-Founder member of the board Country: Bulgaria Capital: Sofia Population: 6,856,602 Auto Park: 2.5 million, year import and registration of new cars - 35 000, second hand - 250 000. Name: Leonid Seliktar Country: Bulgaria Capital: Sofia Population: 6,856,602 Auto Park: 350,000 new vehicles.
  • Name: Ozren Adamović Country: Croatia Capital: Zagreb Population: 3,88 million Auto Park: 1,968,370
  • Name: Petros Soutzis, Co-founder & Vice President of the jury Country: Cyprus Capital: Nicosia Population: 1,141,166 Auto Park: 900,000
  • Name: Vladimir Rybecky Country: Czech Republic Capital: Prague Population: 10 515 669 Auto Park: 6 293 125 registered cars (average age 15,58), 610 405 registered light commercial vehicles, 186 905 registered trucks, 20 489 registered buses (end of the year 2021). Registrations in 2021: 206 876 new cars, 19 660 new LCVs, 8 679 new trucks, 1 367 buses. Car production in 2021: cars 1 105 223, trucks 1 262, buses 4 947.
  • Name: Mikkel Thomsager Country: Denmark Capital: Copenhagen Population: 5,700,000 Auto Park: 2,278,000
  • Country: Finland
  • Country: France
  • Name: Ioannis Stavropoulos Country: Greece Capital: Athens Population: 10,815,197 Auto Park: 5.200.000 cars, exclude taxi (is about 34.000) LCV and HCV
  • Name: Robert van Ginneken Country: Holland Capital: Amsterdam Population: 17,5 million Auto Park: 9 million of which 400.000 BEV and 145.000 PHEV
  • Name: Gábor Szécsényi Country: Hungary Capital: Budapesta Population: 9,617,512 Auto Park: 4,000,000
  • Name: Achim Stahn Country: Germany Capital: Berlin Population: 83,000,000 Auto Park: 47,700,000
  • Name: Dave Humphreys Country: Ireland Capital: Dublin Population: 6,378,000 Auto Park: 2,515,322
  • Name: Alessio Viola Country: Italy Capital: Rome Population: 60,795,612 Auto Park: 36,900,000
  • Name: Krumislav Barzov Country: Macedonia Capital: Skopje Population: 2,058,539 Auto Park: 400,000
  • Name: Anthony Alfred Darmanin Country: Malta Capital: Valletta Population: 425,000 Auto Park: 410,000 Registered vehicles, approx. 10,000 new vehicles registered each year
  • Name: David Andersen Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Population: 5,136,700 Auto Park: 3 milion
  • Name: Szczepan Mroczek Country: Poland Capital: Warsaw Population: 37,773,915 Auto Park: 25,000,000
  • Name: José Caetano Country: Portugal Capital: Lisbon Population: 10,347,892 Auto Park: 4,480,000
  • Name: Dan Vardie, Founder & Chairman Country: Romania Capital: Bucharest Population: 19,237,691 Auto Park: 8,9 millions
  • Name: Suspended – Petr Menshikh Country: Russia Capital: Moscow Population: 143,975,923
  • Name: Mladen Alvirović Country: Serbia Capital: Belgrad Population: 7,209,764 Auto Park: 2,200,000
  • Name: Rudolf Karpat, Co-founder Country: Slovakia Capital: Bratislava Population: 5,415,949 Auto Park: 2,725,538 Name: Michal Karpat Country: Slovakia Capital: Bratislava Population: 5,5 milion Auto Park: 3,436.018 cars and LCV registered , 2021 sales: 75.700 cars and LCV
  • Country: Slovenia
  • Name: Joan Dalmau Country: Spain Capital: Madrid Population: 46,786,605 Auto Park: 29.9 million vehicles
  • Name: Felix Björklund Country: Sweden Capital: Stockholm Population: 10,23 million Auto Park: 4,887,904
  • Name: Markus Rutishauser Country: Switzerland Capital: Bern Population: 8,306,200 Auto Park: 4,503,339
  • Name: Okan Altan Country: Turkey Capital: Ankara Population: 85 million Auto Park: 25,385,084 (End of 2022, February)
  • Name: Richard Aucock Country: United Kingdom Capital: London Population: 64,511,000 Auto Park: 37,000,000
  • Name: Oleg Vasylevskyi Country: Ukraine Capital: Kiev Population: 42,031,000 Auto Park: 10,950,000 cars and commercial vehicles

Autobest Press Release – 16 February 200708 / 12 / 2010

AUTOBEST, the fastest growing independent motoring Jury of Europe
The Budapest festivity was the best in AUTOBEST history
(February 2nd, 2007)

“We are especially honored by this “AUTOBEST 2007” award. It is the first major international award for the new Corsa. I am delighted that an expert jury of media professionals from 13 national markets overwhelmingly agrees that the new Corsa is a real winner. Everyone on the Corsa team is extremely proud to receive the Autobest award”, Hans Demant, Adam Opel AG, stated in receiving the award.

Download Autobest Festivity movie

“I think Autobest jurors captured the essence of Corsa’s special appeal. The official Autobest release stated that Corsa won thanks to overall value for money. More design, more technology, more fun for your money- right there in a nutshell is the core Opel’s philosophy”, Demant added.

With a total of 780 points, the winner overtook Fiat Grande Punto with 5 points, Peugeot 207 coming in third, with a total of 704 points. 7 members of the Jury selected Corsa as the winner, and other 5 gave the first place to Grande Punto. Peugeot managed to obtain one clear nr 1 and another one shared with Corsa. Hyundai Accent came 4-th, with 433 points and Skoda Roomster 5-th, collecting 428 points.

“For Fiat Automobiles, I am proud to receive this award. As Autobest jury members stated, Fiat is back to his roots. In 2005 we sold 2 mil vehicles and increased our market share. It was a good year, but we are looking forward to a more ambitious future!”, declared Gerry Clarke, Sales Director upon receiving “COMPANYBEST 2006”. The new commitment announced by FIAT for the next years until the end of the decade is great, showing not just a fantastic recovery, but preparing the ground for an astonishing success story.

„The region is regarded as a priority for KIA’s expansion in Europe and our many investments in a factory in Slovakia is a testimonial of our confidence in the Quality and the Potential of the automotive business. The recruitment of 10 000 employees directly or indirectly created by KIA in the region is another proof of the Trust in our company and of the skills of entousiastic staffs and dealers”, Jean- Charles Lievens, the Executive Vice President of KIA Motors Europe, said during his speech, elected “MANBEST 2006” . His role in the European success of KIA is decisive. He is the author of the 7 years warranty for the new C’eed, an European first. Mr. Lievens watched closely the implementation of the industrial process in Zilina factory, Slovakia, developed as one of the most efficient car factories in Europe.

“Unfortunately I am unable to be with you at the ceremony. But Alberto Fumagalli, our External relations director, will accept the award for us, an award with many meanings. Grande Punto was an extremely important project for us and decisive for Fiat’s success. Having DESIGNBEST we are not only proud, but also aware about our mission in continuing a very good work in designing new cars“, said Fabrizio Giugiaro during a video footage.

Robert Kubica, the winner of SPORTBEST 2006, commented via a video-link: “As all of you may know, I am during a test drive session with our BMW F1 car. I am sorry I cannot be with you tonight in Budapest. I am happy for the award and consider it like a victory for my country, and the other nations from Central and Eastern Europe!” , Kubica said.

“We, at Jaguar, are pleased to receive the SAFETYBEST 2006 award for the pop up hood of our new XK. It is a revolutionary safety system for pedestrian, an industry first. Allow me to thank Autobest!” , said Mark Johnson, Jaguar Group Chief Engineer body and exteriors

“We are very proud about ECOBEST award. We, at Toyota, are committed to do whatever is necessary in going forward with these technologies. I hope we will also compete for the other Autobest awards in the future!” said Colin Hensley, technology communication expert of Toyota Motor Europe.

“I am the father of this new revolutionary AWD system. We did a lot of research to get such a technical achievement and we are very proud to be here. In the name of Honda, I want to thank Autobest jurors for granting the first TECHNOBEST award to us!” stated Yasuji Shibahata, Honda chief engineer.

The sixth edition of AUTOBEST AWARDS was held in the Grand Ball Room of the Corinthia Royal Hotel in Budapest, Hungary. Media representatives from all of the14-th countries represented in the Jury, but also representatives from the award winners, attended the best festivity ever. Local TV stars, representatives from the Government and from the Auto Associations took part at a fantastic show with a young spirit. “This is the Autobest spirit, dynamic, ready to make a revolution in the motoring media of Europe. It’s the spirit of the 21-st century, with speed and competence as key trends” , mentioned Dan Vardie, Chairman of Autobest.

In Budapest, Boriszov Boros Jeno been introduced as the 14-th member of the Jury representing Hungary. He is a well-known motoring writer, working for “Népszabadság”, the biggest daily newspaper of Hungary, but also contributing to different other media. “After Borisz, we are negotiating in introducing the 15-th country in Autobest, covering all the relevant markets from the region. Until next year’s festivity, we will be present in all the relevant markets of this part of Europe, consolidating the “best buy” status competition for Europe”, completed Dan Vardie.

“Congratulations on establishing such an influential regional jury. I am sure Autobest will continue to flourish in the years ahead” stated Chris Lacey, the GM boss for Central and Eastern European Countries. “This is a region of great importance for the whole automotive industry. I am sure my colleagues from Fiat, Honda, Jaguar, Kia and Toyota will all agree. The ten fastest growing markets in Europe over the past ten years are all from this region. The Hungarian market has grown 220% since 1997. Romania has seen a market growth of 260%, Bulgaria is 470% and Ukraine, 855%. Russia is already a bigger market than Spain! ”, Lacey added. In 2006, the Autobest region, with 4,6 million units sold, represented 21% of the total European market. GM forecasts 5,9 million for 2011.

The AUTOBEST Jury would like to thank readers from the region for encouraging the project. Also, we would like to thank the PR responsibles within the automotive industry for providing all the support in organizing meetings and drive tests of the new products.


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