• Country: Luxembourg
  • Country: Lithuania
  • Name: Gerhard Kuntschik, President of the Jury Country: Austria Capital: Vienna Population: 9,097,759 Auto Park: 240.000 new registrations (2021)
  • Name: Xavier Daffe Country: Belgium Capital: Bruxelles Population: 11,239,755 Auto Park: 5,9 millions
  • Name: Ilia Seliktar, Honorary President of the Jury and Co-Founder member of the board Country: Bulgaria Capital: Sofia Population: 6,856,602 Auto Park: 2.5 million, year import and registration of new cars - 35 000, second hand - 250 000. Name: Leonid Seliktar Country: Bulgaria Capital: Sofia Population: 6,856,602 Auto Park: 350,000 new vehicles.
  • Name: Ozren Adamović Country: Croatia Capital: Zagreb Population: 3,88 million Auto Park: 1,968,370
  • Name: Petros Soutzis, Co-founder & Vice President of the jury Country: Cyprus Capital: Nicosia Population: 1,141,166 Auto Park: 900,000
  • Name: Vladimir Rybecky Country: Czech Republic Capital: Prague Population: 10 515 669 Auto Park: 6 293 125 registered cars (average age 15,58), 610 405 registered light commercial vehicles, 186 905 registered trucks, 20 489 registered buses (end of the year 2021). Registrations in 2021: 206 876 new cars, 19 660 new LCVs, 8 679 new trucks, 1 367 buses. Car production in 2021: cars 1 105 223, trucks 1 262, buses 4 947.
  • Name: Mikkel Thomsager Country: Denmark Capital: Copenhagen Population: 5,700,000 Auto Park: 2,278,000
  • Country: Finland
  • Country: France
  • Name: Ioannis Stavropoulos Country: Greece Capital: Athens Population: 10,815,197 Auto Park: 5.200.000 cars, exclude taxi (is about 34.000) LCV and HCV
  • Name: Robert van Ginneken Country: Holland Capital: Amsterdam Population: 17,5 million Auto Park: 9 million of which 400.000 BEV and 145.000 PHEV
  • Name: Gábor Szécsényi Country: Hungary Capital: Budapesta Population: 9,617,512 Auto Park: 4,000,000
  • Name: Achim Stahn Country: Germany Capital: Berlin Population: 83,000,000 Auto Park: 47,700,000
  • Name: Dave Humphreys Country: Ireland Capital: Dublin Population: 6,378,000 Auto Park: 2,515,322
  • Name: Alessio Viola Country: Italy Capital: Rome Population: 60,795,612 Auto Park: 36,900,000
  • Name: Krumislav Barzov Country: Macedonia Capital: Skopje Population: 2,058,539 Auto Park: 400,000
  • Name: Anthony Alfred Darmanin Country: Malta Capital: Valletta Population: 425,000 Auto Park: 410,000 Registered vehicles, approx. 10,000 new vehicles registered each year
  • Name: David Andersen Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Population: 5,136,700 Auto Park: 3 milion
  • Name: Szczepan Mroczek Country: Poland Capital: Warsaw Population: 37,773,915 Auto Park: 25,000,000
  • Name: José Caetano Country: Portugal Capital: Lisbon Population: 10,347,892 Auto Park: 4,480,000
  • Name: Dan Vardie, Founder & Chairman Country: Romania Capital: Bucharest Population: 19,237,691 Auto Park: 8,9 millions
  • Name: Suspended – Petr Menshikh Country: Russia Capital: Moscow Population: 143,975,923
  • Name: Mladen Alvirović Country: Serbia Capital: Belgrad Population: 7,209,764 Auto Park: 2,200,000
  • Name: Rudolf Karpat, Co-founder Country: Slovakia Capital: Bratislava Population: 5,415,949 Auto Park: 2,725,538 Name: Michal Karpat Country: Slovakia Capital: Bratislava Population: 5,5 milion Auto Park: 3,436.018 cars and LCV registered , 2021 sales: 75.700 cars and LCV
  • Country: Slovenia
  • Name: Joan Dalmau Country: Spain Capital: Madrid Population: 46,786,605 Auto Park: 29.9 million vehicles
  • Name: Felix Björklund Country: Sweden Capital: Stockholm Population: 10,23 million Auto Park: 4,887,904
  • Name: Markus Rutishauser Country: Switzerland Capital: Bern Population: 8,306,200 Auto Park: 4,503,339
  • Name: Okan Altan Country: Turkey Capital: Ankara Population: 85 million Auto Park: 25,385,084 (End of 2022, February)
  • Name: Richard Aucock Country: United Kingdom Capital: London Population: 64,511,000 Auto Park: 37,000,000
  • Name: Oleg Vasylevskyi Country: Ukraine Capital: Kiev Population: 42,031,000 Auto Park: 10,950,000 cars and commercial vehicles

The new Hyundai i10 wins “AUTOBEST 2014”04 / 04 / 2014

Hyundai i10 was voted “AUTOBEST 2014”. With a total of 854 points, the winner overtook Peugeot 2008 – with only 4 points, the smallest difference in the AUTOBEST history. “This is the first time we find such incredible tight competition between two finalists. Even if two different concepts, both Hyundai i10 and Peugeot 2008 come with plenty of arguments for the end consumer. It was a very difficult mission for the Jury members to choose between the two. Finally, with a minimum difference, i10 won. Hyundai’s entire team of engineers, designers and the great people from Hyundai ASSAN plant in Turkey, who are manufacturing the car with great pride and care, deserve this great victory. Now they can claim to be `The Best Buy Car of Europe in 2014`. Also, the Peugeot team deserves our congratulations for the outstanding job they did for 2008.” stated Mr Ilia Seliktar, AUTOBEST Jury President.

Nissan Note is coming third, with a total of 726 points. With 694 points Chevrolet Trax comes next and Mitsubishi Space Star with 476 points is closing the AUTOBEST 2014 Final 5. “It is probably the most disputed AUTOBEST edition. During the Final 5 drive session on NAVAK Center in Belgrade we all realized how close all the finalists are. It is therefore a great merit to be on the Final 5 list, a very impressive performance.” Seliktar added. (for detailed results, see Final Ranking in www.autobest.org )

“COMPANYBEST 2013” is going to VDA –the German Association for the automotive industry. “This is a first for us, but in line with our new approach strategy. Before, COMPANYBEST award was granted to car manufacturers for their outstanding results. Now, the AUTOBEST Jury members decided to award VDA, a great organization to learn from. Under the leadership of Mr Matthias Wissmann, VDA managed to help the entire German auto industry to succeed not only inside Germany, but also abroad. It is the most successful industry organization we have today.” said Dan Vardie, AUTOBEST organization Chairman.

“SAFETYBEST 2012” award is going to Nissan for the Nissan Safety Shield system introduced on the new Note. It’s the first time such an advanced safety system is coming to a small car, making a relevant step forward in the safety of the cars in this segment.

“TECHNOBEST 2013” award is going to Porsche for the brilliant Active Rear Wheel Steering first introduced on Porsche 911 Turbo. The new system developed in cooperation with ZF ads more agile and direct handling, comfortable and easy driving in daily use, easier to bring the car into limit conditions, increased handling potential on the race track, optimized drivability during high-speed cornering, improved driving stability and confidence, with increased damping and reduced side slip angle.

Team Ukraine racing with Ferrari is the winner of “SPORTBEST 2013” award. The Ukrainian team managed to take to top place for Ferrari Challenge Europe and also first place in GT Sprint International Series. At the pilot level, the team secured a 1st for Ferrari Challenge Europe, Trofeo Pirelli. “We are paying great attention to the motorsport performance reached by teams and people in our AUTOBEST region. This time, we’ve been impressed by the Ukrainian team racing with Ferrari. It is another proof that motorsport performance might come only with full dedication as the entire team has shown us.” Ilia Seliktar said.

“ECOBEST ”, “MANBEST”, “SMARTBEST” and “DESIGNBEST” awards have already been announced after IAA Frankfurt.

In electing the AUTOBEST car winner, the Jury made its decision taking into consideration 13 criteria, each of them counting a specific number of points that reflect a different importance in the final vote of each car. The price, with 50 points out of a total of 240 available to be distributed among the finalists, is the most important. Practical issues, like distribution network, service and spare parts availability, consumption, versatility, mean 20 points each. Other criteria, like new technologies, handling, dynamics, environmental friendly, are also coming to a close examination with specific number of available points. The design – interior and exterior- evaluated with 40 points, becomes more and more important for the clients everywhere in Europe.

The 12th edition of AUTOBEST AWARDS FESTIVITY will take place at the beginning of next year in Warsaw, Poland. Following the tradition, AUTOBEST International Jury grants the awards in a different country every year. Last year, the festivity was held in Athens, Greece.

The AUTOBEST Jury thanks the readers from the region for encouraging the project and the PR responsible in the automotive industry for providing all the support in organizing meetings and drive tests of the new products.

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